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Rescope of man

Published: 15th August 2021

Citation: Astronist Institution. (2021). Rescope of man. Available: Last accessed [enter date e.g. 15th Aug 2021].

noun  Astrosoteriology

a prospective opportunity for the reoccurrence of the scope of man if humanity reaches the Crepusculis, but if continued aversion to which is regarded to lead to Starfall; this Rescope would then reset the Degradation and allow humanity a chance again to engage with transcension without ending at Starfall.


Rescope | riːˈskəʊp | adjective
Rescopic | riːˈskəʊpɪk | adjective
Rescopical | riːˈskəʊpɪk(ə)l | adjective
Rescopically | riːˈskəʊpɪk(ə)li | adverb
Rescopism | riːˈskəʊpɪz(ə)m | noun
Rescopist | riːˈskəʊpɪst | adjective & noun
Rescoparian | riːˈskəʊpˈɛːrɪən | adjective


Astro-English: from Astronese, the term rescope is formed by the prefix re- denoting “again” adjoined to the word scope which denotes “the opportunity of the present moment” in the context of the endeavours of astrosis and transcension, meaning altogether “a reoccurrence of the scope of man.”

Encyclopaedic entry for “Rescope of man” on

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